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Radio Programming - The Lutheran Hour

The Lutheran Hour

The Lutheran Hour® provides the comfort and reassurance that generations of loyal listeners turn to each and every week.

The Lutheran Hour reaches listeners regardless of their religious or denominational background. The message is conversational and not authoritative. Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler delivers the message appealing to audiences of all ages.

The Lutheran Hour currently airs on nearly 1800 broadcast outlets nationwide. It is the world's oldest and longest running religious broadcast of its type. It has stood the test of time and continues to attract and inspire a growing community of loyal listeners on hundreds of stations across North America and worldwide.

Season 92 begins 9/1/2024!

Lutheran Hour Ministries is pleased to announce the 92nd season of The Lutheran Hour. Beginning September 1, The Lutheran Hour® has a fresh updated sound. Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler, in his exceptional rhetorical style makes scripture come alive! Continuing in the tradition of The Lutheran Hour: Faithful, Engaging and Meaningful.

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